Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: date=13-Apr-2001

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Your search returned 8 results.

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#320 -- There is a green hill far away -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#506 -- The Spirit breathes upon the word -- Tune: Horsley Search!

#239 -- O sacred head, sore wounded -- Tune: Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen Search!

#353 -- Hail, our once-rejected Jesus -- Tune: Blaenwern Search!

#236 -- At the cross her vigil keeping -- Tune: Stabat Mater Search!

#351 -- There is a fountain opened wide -- Tune: Belmont Search!

#233 -- Were you there when they crucified my Lord -- Tune: Were You There Search!

#238 -- Beneath the cross of Jesus -- Tune: St. Christopher Search!

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