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You searched for: date=15-Apr-2001

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Your search returned 9 results.

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#243 -- Jesus Christ is risen today
Tune name: Easter Hymn Search! -- 7 7 7 7 with hallelujahs Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Descant Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 (1st)
31-3-2002 (1st)
20-4-2003 (1st)
27-3-2005 (6th)
16-4-2006 (1st)
23-3-2008 (1st)  
Words: translation, French: Saillens, Ruben © Ruben Saillens
Music: descant: Holman, Derek (1931-) © Dr Derek Holman
Scripture references:
  • Hebrews 12:2 (v.2-3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: EASTER section 243ff
#320 -- There is a green hill far away
Tune name: Words Only Search!
MIDI files Usage Log
13-4-2001 (1st) tune of 506
15-4-2001 (1st)
14-4-2006 (6th) tune of 506  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: none
Scripture references: Alternate tunes
Horsley Search!
Section: GOD CREATOR AND RULER section 301ff
#248 -- At the dawning of salvation
Tune name: Nettleton Search! -- 8 7 8 7 D Iambic Search! -- in 3-2 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
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Usage Log
15-4-2001 (2nd)
07-4-2002 (3rd)
10-4-2005 (3rd)  
Words: Curle, Jock © Josef Weinberger Ltd
Music: harmony: Wilson, John W. (1905-1992) © Hope Publishing Company
Scripture references: Alternate tunes
Section: EASTER section 243ff
#256 -- Now the green blade rises
Tune name: French Carol Search! -- 11 11 10 11 Search! -- in 2-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
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Usage Log
15-4-2001 (3rd)
07-4-2002 anthem
16-4-2006 (2nd)
15-4-2007 (1st)  
Words: Crum, J.M.C. (1872-1958) © Oxford University Press
Music: harmony: Shaw, Martin (1875-1958) © Oxford University Press; harmony: Oxford Book of Carols © Oxford University Press, London
Scripture references:
  • John 12:24 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 12:40 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: EASTER section 243ff
#558 -- The Son of God proclaim
Tune name: Festal Song Search! -- 6 6 8 6 SM Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 (4th)
06-10-2002 (4th)
20-4-2003 (4th)
19-12-2004 (5th)  
Words: Bridge, Basil E. (1927-) © Basil E. Bridge
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 2 Corinthians 4:6 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Hebrews 12:2 (v.5) Read! Search!
  • John 13:1-20 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • John 15:14,15 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: COMMUNION section 524ff
#827 -- Holy, holy Lord (Strathdee)
Tune name: Yeaton Search! -- Irregular Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Descant Listen!
Full-with-descant Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 communion response
17-6-2001 communion response
07-10-2001 communion response
31-3-2002 communion response
16-6-2002 (5th) communion response
01-10-2006 communion response  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: Strathdee, Jim (1941-) © Jim and Jean Strathdee
Scripture references:
  • Isaiah 6:3 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 21:9 (v.2) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: SERVICE MUSIC (ADDITIONAL)* section 827ff
#523 -- Christ has died; Christ is risen
Tune name: Acclamation (Kriewald) Search! -- 3 4 5 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 communion response
17-6-2001 communion response
07-10-2001 communion response
23-12-2001 communion response
31-3-2002 communion response
16-6-2002 (6th)
16-4-2006 communion response
01-10-2006 communion response
03-6-2007 introit
03-6-2007 communion response  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: Kriewald, James A. (1940-) © James A. Kriewald
Scripture references:
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: BAPTISM section 512ff
#255 -- Now let the vault of heaven resound
Tune name: Lasst Uns Erfreuen Search! -- 8 8 4 4 D with hallelujahs Search! -- in 3-2 time -- Part Unison, Part Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 (5th)
20-4-2003 (5th)
27-3-2005 (1st)
16-4-2006 (5th)
08-4-2007 (1st)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: harmony: Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958) © Oxford University Press, London
Scripture references:
  • 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Colossians 2:13-15 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Colossians 3:1-4 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Ephesians 4:7-10 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: EASTER section 243ff
#546 -- Here is bread: here is wine
Tune name: Here Is Bread Search! -- 6 8 6 5 with refrain Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
15-4-2001 anthem
16-6-2002 communion anthem
06-10-2002 communion anthem
03-10-2004 (2nd)  
Words: Kendrick, Graham (1950-) © Integrity Music, Inc.
Music: Kendrick, Graham (1950-) © Integrity Music, Inc.
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 11:26 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 20:19-23 (v.2) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: COMMUNION section 524ff

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