Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: meterword=10 10 10 10

Your search returned 26 results.

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#31 -- Peoples, clap your hands
Tune name: Genevan 47 Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Bass Listen!
Usage Log
Words: paraphrase: Patterson, Joy F. (1931-) © Joy F Patterson
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 47 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PSALMS section 1ff
#85 -- Now Israel may say
Tune name: Old 124Th Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Bass Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: harmony: Shaw, Martin (1875-1958) © Oxford University Press, London
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 124 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PSALMS section 1ff
#101 -- You are before me, Lord
Tune name: Sursum Corda Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: paraphrase: Pitt-Watson, Ian (1923-1995) © Estate of Ian Pitt-Watson
Music: Smith, Alfred Morton (1879-1971) © Estate of Doris Wright Smith
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 139:5-12,23-24 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PSALMS section 1ff
#135 -- Christians, awake
Tune name: Yorkshire Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
23-12-2000 (1st)
23-12-2001 (1st)
29-12-2002 (1st)
16-12-2007 (1st)  
Words: alterations: Book of Praise (1972) © Presbyterian Church in Canada
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Luke 2:8-20 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: CHRISTMAS section 133ff
#157 -- The snow lay on the ground
Tune name: Venite Adoremus Search! -- 10 10 10 10 with refrain (10 10) Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score
Usage Log
16-12-2007 (7th)
21-12-2008 (2nd)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references: Alternate tunes
Section: CHRISTMAS section 133ff
#215 -- Filled with excitement
Tune name: Hosanna Search! -- 10 10 10 10 with refrain Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
08-4-2001 (3rd)  
Words: Avila, Rubén Ruiz (20th cent.) © The Copyright Company; translation: Suppe, Gertrude C. (1911-)
Music: melody: Avila, Rubén Ruiz (20th cent.) © The Copyright Company; arrangement: Schutmaat, Alvin (1921-1988) © The Copyright Company
Scripture references:
  • Matthew 21:1-11 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PALM / PASSION SUNDAY section 213ff
#282 -- Filled with the Spirit's power
Tune name: Farley Castle Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: Peacey, J.R. (1896-1971) © Hope Publishing Company
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Acts Of The Apostles 2:1-21 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: DAY OF PENTECOST section 276ff
#311 -- We worship God the Rock
Tune name: Eling Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: Bayly, Albert F. (1901-1984) © Oxford University Press, London
Music: Ridout, Godfrey (1918-1984) © Michael Ridout
Scripture references:
  • 1 Samuel 2:2 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Ezekiel 47:1 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • John 7:38 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Luke 6:48 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 7:25 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 31:2 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 91:1,2 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 22:1 (v.2) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: GOD CREATOR AND RULER section 301ff
#369 -- Blessing and honour and glory
Tune name: O Quanta Qualia Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Revelation 11:15 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 12-13 Read! Search!
  • Revelation 12:10 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 5 Read! Search!
  • Revelation 6 Read! Search!
  • Revelation 9 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: GOD IN CHRIST section 340ff
#382 -- Spirit of God, descend upon my heart
Tune name: Morecambe Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files * Usage Log
14-7-2002 (3rd)
04-3-2007 (3rd)  
Words: public domain File not available
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Isaiah 11:2,3 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT section 380ff
#461 -- Be thou my vision
Tune name: Slane Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Descant Listen!
Usage Log
01-7-2001 (4th)
06-10-2002 (2nd)
23-3-2003 (4th)
28-3-2004 (1st)
22-8-2004 (4th)
17-10-2004 (4th)
30-7-2006 (5th)
15-10-2006 (4th)
14-1-2007 (4th)  
Words: translation, English: Byrne, Mary (1880-1931) © Chatto and Windus Ltd.; versification: Hull, Eleanor (1860-1935)
Music: harmony: Routley, Erik (1917-1982) © Hope Publishing Company; descant: Wilson, John W. (1905-1992) © Hope Publishing Company
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 1:24 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Ephesians 6:10-17 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 16:5,6 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 63:6 (v.1) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#507 -- Break now the bread of life
Tune name: Lathbury Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Bass Listen!
Usage Log
04-8-2002 (3rd)
30-7-2006 (3rd)
08-10-2006 (3rd)
21-10-2007 (1st)
05-10-2008 (2nd)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: adaptation: Grundy, David (1934-) © Church Society for Bible, Church and Nation
Scripture references:
  • Isaiah 61:1-3 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 17:17 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • John 6:1-14 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • John 6:32-35 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Luke 4:18-19 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Luke 9:10-17 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Mark 6:30-44 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 11:4-6 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 14:13-21 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 15:29-39 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: THE BIBLE section 493ff
#543 -- Here, O my Lord, I see thee
Tune name: Langran Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search!
MIDI files Usage Log
Words: public domain File not available
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Isaiah 61:10 (v.6) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 11:28 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 19:09 (v.7) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: COMMUNION section 524ff
#559 -- Thou, who at thy first eucharist didst pray
Tune name: Song 1 Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files Usage Log
Words: Turton, William Henry (1856-1938) © Hope Publishing Company
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:14-17 Read! Search!
  • John 17:11,20,21 (v.1) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: COMMUNION section 524ff
#608 -- Oh what their joy and their glory must be
Tune name: O Quanta Qualia Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 92 Read! Search!
  • Revelation 21:1-22:5 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: COMMUNION OF SAINTS section 606ff
#626 -- Lord of all power
Tune name: Slane Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Descant Listen!
Usage Log
09-9-2001 (4th)
21-10-2001 (6th)
24-2-2002 (5th)
01-9-2002 (3rd)
24-11-2002 anthem
29-2-2004 (4th)
26-9-2004 (5th)
01-5-2005 (5th)
20-11-2005 (5th)
15-1-2006 (4th)
13-8-2006 (3rd)
29-4-2007 (5th)
09-9-2007 (4th)
04-11-2007 (4th)
01-6-2008 (5th)  
Words: Winslow, Jack C. (1882-1974) © Mrs. J. Tyrrell
Music: harmony: Routley, Erik (1917-1982) © Hope Publishing Company
Scripture references:
  • 1 Chronicles 5:11 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • 1 Corinthians 1:25 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • 1 Corinthians 1:30 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • 1 Corinthians 2:6-13 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • 2 Corinthians 9:8-15 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Acts Of The Apostles 17:28 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Galatians 5:1 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Galatians 5:1 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Galatians 5:13 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Hebrews 11:34 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Isaiah 64:4 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Job 28:12-28 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 28:18 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 104:24 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 147:5 (v.1) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: DISCIPLESHIP section 624ff
#630 -- When we are living
Tune name: Somos Del Seņor Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Usage Log
25-2-2001 (3rd)
02-4-2006 (4th)  
Words: words, vss.2-4: Escamilla, Roberto (1931-) © Roberto Escamilla; paraphrase, vs.1: Eslinger, Elise S. (1942-) © The Copyright Company; translation: Lockwood, George (1946-)
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 (v.3, para) Read! Search!
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (v.2, para) Read! Search!
  • Romans 12:1,2 (v.2, para) Read! Search!
  • Romans 14:8-9 (v.1, para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: DISCIPLESHIP section 624ff
#657 -- Woman in the night
Tune name: New Disciples Search! -- 10 10 10 10 with refrain (10 9) Search! -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
14-4-2006 (4th) vv. 1,4  
Words: Wren, Brian A. (1936-) © Hope Publishing Company
Music: Fedak, Alfred V. (1953-) © Selah Publishing Co
Scripture references:
  • John 12:1-8 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • John 19:25 (v.7) Read! Search!
  • John 4:1-26 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 8:32 (Refn.) Read! Search!
  • Luke 10:38-42 (v.5) Read! Search!
  • Luke 23:55-56 (v.7) Read! Search!
  • Luke 24 (v.8) Read! Search!
  • Luke 2:1-20 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Luke 7:36-50 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Luke 8:2-3 (v.6) Read! Search!
  • Luke 8:42-48 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Mark 15:40-41 (v.7) Read! Search!
  • Mark 16:1,2 (v.8) Read! Search!
  • Mark 5:25-34 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 27:55 (v.7) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 9:20-22 (v.2) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: DISCIPLESHIP section 624ff
#678 -- I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art
Tune name: Toulon Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search!
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Bass Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 2 Chronicles 20:12 Read! Search!
  • 2 Timothy 1:12 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Ephesians 4:3 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Hebrews 4:16 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 14:6 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 11:28-30 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 36:9 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Romans 15:13 (v.5) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: FAITH section 670ff
#679 -- God, when I stand
Tune name: Princess Eugenie Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
14-4-2006 (5th) vv. 1-3  
Words: O'Driscoll, Herbert (1928-) © Rev. Herbert O'Driscoll
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • John 20:24-29 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 107:4,5 (v.1-2) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 10:1 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 22:1-2 (v.2) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: FAITH section 670ff
#716 -- Pray for the wilderness
Tune name: Wilderness Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Usage Log
20-5-2001 anthem  
Words: Damon, Daniel Charles (1955-) © Hope Publishing Company
Music: San, Lee Yu © Korean Hymnal Society
Scripture references:
  • Colossians 2:13-15 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Genesis 2:4-9 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • James 1:17 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Jeremiah 29:4-7 (v.5) Read! Search!
  • Romans 8:18-23 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Slane Search!
Section: JUSTICE section 708ff
#749 -- Be still, my soul
Tune name: Finlandia Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Bass Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: melody: Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957) © Breitkopf & Härtel; arrangement: The Hymnal (1933) © The Westminster/John Knox Press
Scripture references:
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • 2 Timothy 2:11-13 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Luke 8:22-25 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Mark 4:35-41 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 8:23-27 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 46:10 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PEACE section 727ff
#790 -- Where is death's sting
Tune name: Song 1 Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files * Usage Log
Words: public domain File not available
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 15:55 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • John 10:10 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 12:25 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 14:18-20 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Luke 17:33 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Luke 9:24 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Mark 8:35 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 10:39 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 16:25 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: OUR HOPE IN GOD section 782ff
#791 -- Lord God, you now have set your servant free
Tune name: Song 1 Search! -- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files Usage Log
Words: paraphrased: Whitney, Rae E. (1927-) © Church Pension Fund
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Luke 2:29-32 (para) Read! Search!
  • Luke 2:29-32 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: OUR HOPE IN GOD section 782ff
#794 -- Abide with me
Tune name: Eventide Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search!
MIDI files Usage Log
10-11-2002 (9th) hymn sing  
Words: public domain File not available
Music: descant: Palmer, Peggy Spencer (1900-1987) © Oxford University Press, London
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 15:55 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • James 1:17 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 10:14 (v.1) Read! Search!
  • Psalms 90:3-10 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Song Of Solomon 2:17 (v.5) Read! Search!
  • Song Of Solomon 4:6 (v.5) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: OUR HOPE IN GOD section 782ff
#825 -- Saviour, again to your dear name
Tune name: Ellers Search! -- 10 10 10 10 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files * Usage Log
06-4-2008 (4th)  
Words: public domain File not available
Music: harmony: Milligan, Carman H. (1909-1999) © Mrs. Diane Shaughnessy
Scripture references:
  • Luke 24:13-35 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Luke 24:13-55 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: EVENING section 821ff

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