Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=BREAD / MANNA

Your search returned 22 results.

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Also see:

#195 -- Come, ye disconsolate -- Tune: Consolation Search!

#198 -- I hunger and I thirst -- Tune: Quam Dilecta Search!

#224 -- An upper room did our Lord prepare -- Tune: Folksong (O Waly, Waly) Search!

#284 -- Revive your work, O Lord -- Tune: Carlisle Search!

#346 -- Jesus the Christ said: I am the bread -- Tune: Yisu Ne Kaha Search!

#355 -- Light of the minds that know him -- Tune: Meirionydd Search!

#361 -- A Stranger, knocking on a door -- Tune: Casad Search!

#366 -- Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts -- Tune: Maryton Search!

#442 -- Speak, Lord, in the stillness -- Tune: Caswall (Bemerton) Search!

#483 -- Glorious things of thee are spoken -- Tune: Austria Search!

#486 -- The church of Christ, in every age -- Tune: Dickinson College Search!

#507 -- Break now the bread of life -- Tune: Lathbury Search!

#511 -- Lamp of our feet -- Tune: Gräfenberg Search!

#520 -- Servants of the Saviour -- Tune: Whitworth Search!

#583 -- You are called to tell the story -- Tune: Larkin Search!

#651 -- Guide me, O thou great Redeemer -- Tune: Cwm Rhondda Search!

#666 -- Living God, your joyful Spirit -- Tune: Rex Gloriae Search!

#668 -- Give us this day our daily bread -- Tune: Barbara Search!

#679 -- God, when I stand -- Tune: Princess Eugenie Search!

#699 -- All the way my Saviour leads me -- Tune: All The Way Search!

#754 -- From the slave pens of the delta -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#767 -- Lord, speak to me -- Tune: Winscott Search!

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