Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=CHILD, CHILDREN: Hymns about

Your search returned 19 results.

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#5 -- Lord, our Lord, your glorious name -- Tune: Gott Sei Dank Durch Aller Welt Search!

#56 -- O Lord, the refuge of each generation -- Tune: O Lord, The Refuge Search!

#88 -- Unless the Lord constructs the house -- Tune: Bristol Search!

#89 -- Bless all who trust in God -- Tune: Sandys Search!

#119 -- Hope is a star -- Tune: Moon Beams Search!

#140 -- In Bethlehem a newborn boy -- Tune: In Bethlehem Search!

#214 -- All glory, laud and honour -- Tune: St. Theodulph Search!

#218 -- Hosanna, loud hosanna -- Tune: Ellacombe Search!

#348 -- Tell me the stories of Jesus -- Tune: Stories Of Jesus Search!

#373 -- Jesus loves me, this I know -- Tune: Jesus Loves Me Search!

#377 -- Come, children, join to sing -- Tune: Madrid Search!

#415 -- Children of Jerusalem -- Tune: Infant Praise Search!

#449 -- Lord, listen to your children praying -- Tune: Children Praying Search!

#467 -- Praise, my soul, the God who crowns you -- Tune: Praise, My Soul Search!

#485 -- Saviour, like a shepherd lead us -- Tune: Bradbury Search!

#631 -- Jesus' hands were kind hands -- Tune: Au Clair De La Lune Search!

#656 -- Jesus, friend of all the children -- Tune: Westridge Search!

#732 -- O day of peace that dimly shines -- Tune: Jerusalem Search!

#752 -- Blest be the God of Israel -- Tune: Merle's Tune Search!

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