Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=CHURCH

Your search returned 105 results.

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#1 -- How blest are they, who, fearing God -- Tune: Tallis' Ordinal Search!

#8 -- Lord, who may dwell within your house -- Tune: Withington Search!

#50 -- Sing a psalm of joy -- Tune: Genevan 81 Search!

#61 -- Oh come and sing unto the Lord -- Tune: Irish Search!

#65 -- All people that on earth do dwell -- Tune: Old 100Th Search!

#80 -- Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth -- Tune: Eisenach Search!

#88 -- Unless the Lord constructs the house -- Tune: Bristol Search!

#89 -- Bless all who trust in God -- Tune: Sandys Search!

#115 -- Hail to the Lord's Anointed -- Tune: St. Theodulph Search!

#123 -- My soul gives glory to my God -- Tune: Morning Song Search!

#186 -- Swiftly pass the clouds of glory -- Tune: Geneva Search!

#187 -- We have come at Christ's own bidding -- Tune: Brewer Search!

#211 -- Take up your cross -- Tune: Hesperus Search!

#225 -- A new commandment -- Tune: A New Commandment Search!

#230 -- Go to dark Gethsemane -- Tune: Redhead No. 76 Search!

#257 -- The strife is o'er, the battle done -- Tune: Victory Search!

#279 -- In your pentecostal splendour -- Tune: Ton-Y-Botel Search!

#280 -- O God, your love's undying flame -- Tune: Carey's (Surrey) Search!

#283 -- Let every Christian pray -- Tune: Ludgate Search!

#287 -- O God, whose fire lit the stars -- Tune: Halifax Search!

#296 -- The clay-stained hands of love -- Tune: Little Marlborough Search!

#342 -- All who the name of Jesus bear -- Tune: St. Stephen (Newington) Search!

#344 -- The wise may bring their learning -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#349 -- My hope is built on nothing less -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#355 -- Light of the minds that know him -- Tune: Meirionydd Search!

#380 -- Spirit, come, dispel our sadness -- Tune: Genevan 42 Search!

#385 -- Like the murmur of the dove's song -- Tune: Bridegroom Search!

#390 -- Spirit divine, attend our prayers -- Tune: Gräfenberg Search!

#393 -- I'm not ashamed to own my Lord -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#399 -- Spirit, Spirit of gentleness -- Tune: Spirit, Spirit Of Gentleness Search!

#411 -- Stand up and bless the Lord -- Tune: St. Thomas Search!

#412 -- Come, let us sing to the Lord our song -- Tune: Forney Search!

#414 -- God, reveal your presence -- Tune: Arnsberg (Reverence) Search!

#422 -- Sing a new song unto the Lord -- Tune: Sing A New Song Search!

#434 -- For the beauty of the earth -- Tune: Dix Search!

#439 -- When in our music God is glorified -- Tune: Engelberg Search!

#451 -- Dear Father, Lord of humankind -- Tune: Rest Search!

#455 -- Day by day -- Tune: Day By Day Search!

#460 -- Teach us, good Lord, to serve you -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#472 -- We are God's people -- Tune: Symphony Search!

#475 -- I am the church! You are the church! -- Tune: Port Jervis Search!

#476 -- Amigos de Cristo / Friends of the Lord -- Tune: Amigos De Cristo Search!

#478 -- To Abraham and Sarah -- Tune: Thornbury Search!

#489 -- Help us to help each other, Lord -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#491 -- God bless your church with strength -- Tune: Ich Halte Treulich Still Search!

#494 -- Lord, be thy word -- Tune: Ibstone Search!

#503 -- Not far beyond the sea -- Tune: Cornwall Search!

#505 -- O Christ, the Word, incarnate -- Tune: Chenies Search!

#506 -- The Spirit breathes upon the word -- Tune: Horsley Search!

#512 -- At the dawning of creation -- Tune: Shipston Search!

#513 -- Now there is no male or female -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#516 -- A little child the Saviour came -- Tune: Angelus Search!

#518 -- O God eternal, sovereign Lord -- Tune: Almsgiving Search!

#520 -- Servants of the Saviour -- Tune: Whitworth Search!

#522 -- We know that Christ is raised and dies no more -- Tune: Engelberg Search!

#528 -- Jesus calls us here to meet him -- Tune: Jesus Calls Us Search!

#529 -- O holy Father, God most dear -- Tune: Sussex Carol Search!

#530 -- I come with joy -- Tune: Dove Of Peace Search!

#537 -- 'Twas on that night -- Tune: Rockingham Search!

#540 -- One bread, one body -- Tune: One Bread, One Body Search!

#556 -- Now let us from this table rise -- Tune: Solothurn Search!

#558 -- The Son of God proclaim -- Tune: Festal Song Search!

#559 -- Thou, who at thy first eucharist didst pray -- Tune: Song 1 Search!

#563 -- Let us talents and tongues employ -- Tune: Linstead Search!

#570 -- I have decided to follow Jesus -- Tune: Assam Search!

#571 -- Lord, I want to be a Christian -- Tune: I Want To Be A Christian Search!

#590 -- We have this ministry -- Tune: Ministry Search!

#592 -- I, the Lord of sea and sky -- Tune: Here I Am, Lord Search!

#595 -- Lord and lover of creation -- Tune: Westminster Abbey Search!

#612 -- Christ is the King -- Tune: Vulpius Search!

#614 -- We gather here to bid farewell -- Tune: Morning Hymn Search!

#615 -- Let saints on earth in concert sing -- Tune: Dundee (French) Search!

#616 -- They did not build in vain -- Tune: Dolgelly Search!

#630 -- When we are living -- Tune: Somos Del Seņor Search!

#654 -- O God of Bethel, by whose hand -- Tune: Salzburg (Haydn) Search!

#666 -- Living God, your joyful Spirit -- Tune: Rex Gloriae Search!

#668 -- Give us this day our daily bread -- Tune: Barbara Search!

#672 -- Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult -- Tune: Galilee Search!

#673 -- A bush bursts into flame -- Tune: Burning Bush Search!

#692 -- Where charity and love prevail -- Tune: Twenty-Fourth Search!

#696 -- In suffering love -- Tune: Belmont Search!

#697 -- How shall I sing to God -- Tune: Weaver Mill Search!

#698 -- Saviour, teach me day by day -- Tune: Simplicity Search!

#700 -- Praise our Maker, peoples of one family -- Tune: Praise Our Maker Search!

#703 -- Happy the home when God is there -- Tune: St. Agnes, Durham Search!

#709 -- What does the Lord require of you -- Tune: Moon Search!

#710 -- What does the Lord require -- Tune: Sharpthorne Search!

#720 -- Our cities cry to you, O God -- Tune: The Third Tune Search!

#739 -- Lord, make us servants of your peace -- Tune: Otterspoor Search!

#740 -- Make me a channel of your peace -- Tune: Make Me A Channel Search!

#743 -- Lead on, eternal Sovereign -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#753 -- You walk along our shoreline -- Tune: Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien Search!

#754 -- From the slave pens of the delta -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#755 -- Go ye, go ye into the world -- Tune: Go Ye, Go Ye Search!

#757 -- Come sing, O church, in joy! -- Tune: Darwall's 148Th Search!

#759 -- In loving partnership -- Tune: Rivaulx Search!

#763 -- To show by touch and word -- Tune: Lodwick Search!

#769 -- Lord of light, whose name and splendour -- Tune: Bethany (Smart) Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

#778 -- Lord, you give the great commission -- Tune: Hermon Search!

#798 -- What gift can we bring -- Tune: Anniversary Song Search!

#799 -- God is here! as we your people meet -- Tune: Blaenwern Search!

#811 -- Standing at the portal -- Tune: St. Alban's Search!

#815 -- New every morning is the love -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

#826 -- The day you gave us, Lord, has ended -- Tune: St. Clement Search!

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