Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=COMMUNION

Your search returned 111 results.

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#11 -- The Lord's my shepherd -- Tune: Crimond Search!

#13 -- Ye gates, lift up your heads -- Tune: St. George's, Edinburgh Search!

#19 -- High in the heavens, eternal God -- Tune: Song 34 Search!

#48 -- God of hosts, you chose a vine -- Tune: St. Bees Search!

#50 -- Sing a psalm of joy -- Tune: Genevan 81 Search!

#52 -- How lovely is thy dwelling place -- Tune: Harington Search!

#53 -- How lovely, Lord, how lovely -- Tune: Merle's Tune Search!

#75 -- I love you, Lord, for you have heard my voice -- Tune: Genevan 116 Search!

#76 -- I love the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#89 -- Bless all who trust in God -- Tune: Sandys Search!

#93 -- Oh look and wonder -- Tune: Oh, Look And Wonder Search!

#103 -- O Lord, thou art my God and King -- Tune: Duke Street Search!

#120 -- Lo! Christ comes with clouds -- Tune: Helmsley Search!

#127 -- Sleepers, wake! -- Tune: Wachet Auf Search!

#146 -- Angels from the realms of glory -- Tune: Regent Square Search!

#176 -- Songs of thankfulness and praise -- Tune: Salzburg (Hintze) Search!

#181 -- All praise to you, O Lord -- Tune: St. Ethelwald Search!

#190 -- You thirsty ones -- Tune: Belmont Search!

#195 -- Come, ye disconsolate -- Tune: Consolation Search!

#196 -- Throughout these Lenten days and nights -- Tune: Breslau Search!

#198 -- I hunger and I thirst -- Tune: Quam Dilecta Search!

#224 -- An upper room did our Lord prepare -- Tune: Folksong (O Waly, Waly) Search!

#246 -- This is the feast of victory -- Tune: Festival Canticle Search!

#254 -- Jesus is risen from the grave -- Tune: Jesus Is Risen From The Grave Search!

#262 -- Come to us, beloved Stranger -- Tune: Beach Spring Search!

#263 -- They set out on their homeward road -- Tune: Ryburn Search!

#274 -- Crown him with many crowns -- Tune: Diademata Search!

#282 -- Filled with the Spirit's power -- Tune: Farley Castle Search!

#284 -- Revive your work, O Lord -- Tune: Carlisle Search!

#299 -- Holy, holy, holy -- Tune: Nicaea Search!

#312 -- Mothering God, you gave me birth -- Tune: Rochester Search!

#329 -- Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven -- Tune: Les Commandements De Dieu Search!

#330 -- O God, our help in ages past -- Tune: St. Anne Search!

#346 -- Jesus the Christ said: I am the bread -- Tune: Yisu Ne Kaha Search!

#355 -- Light of the minds that know him -- Tune: Meirionydd Search!

#361 -- A Stranger, knocking on a door -- Tune: Casad Search!

#365 -- This is the threefold truth -- Tune: Acclamations Search!

#366 -- Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts -- Tune: Maryton Search!

#370 -- Hallelujah! sing to Jesus -- Tune: Hyfrydol Search!

#380 -- Spirit, come, dispel our sadness -- Tune: Genevan 42 Search!

#384 -- O Breath of life, come sweeping through us -- Tune: Spiritus Vitae Search!

#385 -- Like the murmur of the dove's song -- Tune: Bridegroom Search!

#400 -- Spirit of the living God -- Tune: Spirit Of The Living God Search!

#411 -- Stand up and bless the Lord -- Tune: St. Thomas Search!

#428 -- We love your house, O God -- Tune: Quam Dilecta Search!

#437 -- First of the week and finest day -- Tune: Cannock Search!

#442 -- Speak, Lord, in the stillness -- Tune: Caswall (Bemerton) Search!

#444 -- Sweet is the solemn voice -- Tune: Hamburg (Voice Divine) Search!

#450 -- Great Shepherd of your people, hear -- Tune: Berford Search!

#454 -- Blest be the everlasting God -- Tune: Abridge Search!

#456 -- Be present at our table -- Tune: Tallis' Canon Search!

#471 -- We are one in the Spirit -- Tune: We Are One In The Spirit Search!

#472 -- We are God's people -- Tune: Symphony Search!

#473 -- We love your kingdom, Lord -- Tune: Holyrood Search!

#474 -- The love of God comes close -- Tune: Rhosymedre Search!

#477 -- Your hand, O God, has guided -- Tune: Thornbury Search!

#479 -- The church's one foundation -- Tune: Aurelia Search!

#480 -- In Christ there is no east or west -- Tune: Mckee Search!

#481 -- Blest be the tie that binds -- Tune: Dennis Search!

#483 -- Glorious things of thee are spoken -- Tune: Austria Search!

#486 -- The church of Christ, in every age -- Tune: Dickinson College Search!

#489 -- Help us to help each other, Lord -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#503 -- Not far beyond the sea -- Tune: Cornwall Search!

#507 -- Break now the bread of life -- Tune: Lathbury Search!

#511 -- Lamp of our feet -- Tune: Gräfenberg Search!

#512 -- At the dawning of creation -- Tune: Shipston Search!

#513 -- Now there is no male or female -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#520 -- Servants of the Saviour -- Tune: Whitworth Search!

#521 -- Child of blessing, child of promise -- Tune: Stuttgart Search!

#526 -- Lift up your hearts unto the Lord -- Tune: Sing Alleluia Search!

#528 -- Jesus calls us here to meet him -- Tune: Jesus Calls Us Search!

#530 -- I come with joy -- Tune: Dove Of Peace Search!

#540 -- One bread, one body -- Tune: One Bread, One Body Search!

#543 -- Here, O my Lord, I see thee -- Tune: Langran Search!

#549 -- For the bread which you have broken -- Tune: Omni Die Search!

#557 -- Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast -- Tune: Lansdowne Search!

#559 -- Thou, who at thy first eucharist didst pray -- Tune: Song 1 Search!

#563 -- Let us talents and tongues employ -- Tune: Linstead Search!

#564 -- Great Prayer of Thanksgiving, The -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#565 -- Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life -- Tune: The Call Search!

#583 -- You are called to tell the story -- Tune: Larkin Search!

#588 -- A prophet-woman broke a jar -- Tune: Megerran Search!

#592 -- I, the Lord of sea and sky -- Tune: Here I Am, Lord Search!

#593 -- As a chalice cast of gold -- Tune: Rebekah Search!

#596 -- As man and woman we are made -- Tune: Sussex Carol Search!

#639 -- We are marching / Siyahamba -- Tune: Siyahamba Search!

#649 -- How clear is our vocation, Lord -- Tune: Repton Search!

#651 -- Guide me, O thou great Redeemer -- Tune: Cwm Rhondda Search!

#654 -- O God of Bethel, by whose hand -- Tune: Salzburg (Haydn) Search!

#663 -- God, whose giving knows no ending -- Tune: Rustington Search!

#666 -- Living God, your joyful Spirit -- Tune: Rex Gloriae Search!

#668 -- Give us this day our daily bread -- Tune: Barbara Search!

#678 -- I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art -- Tune: Toulon Search!

#679 -- God, when I stand -- Tune: Princess Eugenie Search!

#691 -- My shepherd is the King of love -- Tune: Dominus Regit Me Search!

#692 -- Where charity and love prevail -- Tune: Twenty-Fourth Search!

#699 -- All the way my Saviour leads me -- Tune: All The Way Search!

#730 -- Oh for a world where everyone respects each other's ways -- Tune: Azmon Search!

#733 -- O God of love, true Source of peace -- Tune: Ealing Search!

#754 -- From the slave pens of the delta -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#757 -- Come sing, O church, in joy! -- Tune: Darwall's 148Th Search!

#767 -- Lord, speak to me -- Tune: Winscott Search!

#775 -- Sent forth by your blessing -- Tune: Ash Grove Search!

#778 -- Lord, you give the great commission -- Tune: Hermon Search!

#788 -- Come, know my joy, the Maker says -- Tune: Flight Of The Earls Search!

#790 -- Where is death's sting -- Tune: Song 1 Search!

#794 -- Abide with me -- Tune: Eventide Search!

#797 -- Shall we gather at the river -- Tune: Hanson Place Search!

#804 -- For all your goodness, God -- Tune: For All Your Goodness, Lord Search!

#813 -- Father, we praise thee -- Tune: Christe Sanctorum Search!

#828 -- You are holy, you are whole -- Tune: Du Är Helig Search!

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