Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=ETERNAL LIFE

Your search returned 25 results.

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#11 -- The Lord's my shepherd -- Tune: Crimond Search!

#141 -- Good Christians, all rejoice -- Tune: In Dulci Jubilo Search!

#162 -- On Christmas night all Christians sing -- Tune: Sussex Carol Search!

#189 -- As when the Hebrew prophet raised -- Tune: Abridge Search!

#204 -- Thou didst leave thy throne -- Tune: Margaret Search!

#206 -- Jesus, remember me -- Tune: Remember Me Search!

#209 -- O Love that wilt not let me go -- Tune: St. Margaret Search!

#242 -- What wondrous love is this -- Tune: Wondrous Love Search!

#301 -- Many and great, O God, are your works -- Tune: Dakota Melody Search!

#374 -- Oh for a thousand tongues to sing -- Tune: Richmond Search!

#389 -- Breathe on me, breath of God -- Tune: Trentham Search!

#443 -- When all thy mercies, O my God -- Tune: Belgrave Search!

#454 -- Blest be the everlasting God -- Tune: Abridge Search!

#468 -- Lord, dismiss us with your blessing -- Tune: Tantum Ergo Search!

#476 -- Amigos de Cristo / Friends of the Lord -- Tune: Amigos De Cristo Search!

#513 -- Now there is no male or female -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#546 -- Here is bread: here is wine -- Tune: Here Is Bread Search!

#563 -- Let us talents and tongues employ -- Tune: Linstead Search!

#601 -- How blest are they who trust in Christ -- Tune: Rockingham Search!

#610 -- Light's abode, celestial Salem -- Tune: Rhuddlan Search!

#638 -- Take time to be holy -- Tune: Take Time To Be Holy Search!

#643 -- Lift high the cross -- Tune: Crucifer Search!

#677 -- My faith looks up to thee -- Tune: Olivet Search!

#680 -- Christ, of all my hopes the ground -- Tune: Mozart Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

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