Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=GOD: Justice of

Your search returned 29 results.

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#7 -- The foolish in their hearts deny -- Tune: Maple Avenue Search!

#19 -- High in the heavens, eternal God -- Tune: Song 34 Search!

#32 -- Within your temple, Lord -- Tune: St. John Search!

#51 -- There where the judges gather -- Tune: Munich Search!

#54 -- My song forever shall record -- Tune: St. Petersburg Search!

#63 -- O sing a new song to the Lord -- Tune: Jackson Search!

#68 -- Bless the Lord, O my soul -- Tune: Bless The Lord, O My Soul Search!

#75 -- I love you, Lord, for you have heard my voice -- Tune: Genevan 116 Search!

#105 -- I'll praise my Maker while I've breath -- Tune: Old 113Th Search!

#117 -- Herald! Sound the note of judgement -- Tune: Unser Herrscher Search!

#123 -- My soul gives glory to my God -- Tune: Morning Song Search!

#251 -- Christ is alive -- Tune: Truro Search!

#267 -- Rejoice, the Lord is King -- Tune: Darwall's 148Th Search!

#272 -- Christ is King! -- Tune: St. Leonard Search!

#290 -- Immortal, invisible, God only wise -- Tune: St. Denio Search!

#467 -- Praise, my soul, the God who crowns you -- Tune: Praise, My Soul Search!

#491 -- God bless your church with strength -- Tune: Ich Halte Treulich Still Search!

#508 -- Your word, O God, awoke the uncreated -- Tune: Londonderry Air Search!

#585 -- Christ, you call us all to service -- Tune: In Babilone Search!

#624 -- Blest are they -- Tune: Blest Are They Search!

#721 -- All who love and serve your city -- Tune: Charlestown Search!

#724 -- Come now, you blessed, eat at my table -- Tune: Come Now, You Blessed Search!

#730 -- Oh for a world where everyone respects each other's ways -- Tune: Azmon Search!

#732 -- O day of peace that dimly shines -- Tune: Jerusalem Search!

#753 -- You walk along our shoreline -- Tune: Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien Search!

#759 -- In loving partnership -- Tune: Rivaulx Search!

#778 -- Lord, you give the great commission -- Tune: Hermon Search!

#784 -- Thy kingdom come--on bended knee -- Tune: Irish Search!

#786 -- O day of God, draw nigh -- Tune: Narenza Search!

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