Hymn Search Results

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Your search returned 27 results.

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#4 -- Lord, as I wake I turn to you -- Tune: Daniel Search!

#8 -- Lord, who may dwell within your house -- Tune: Withington Search!

#14 -- Safe in your hands, O God who made me -- Tune: Safe In The Hands Search!

#37 -- O God, thou art my God alone -- Tune: Wainwright Search!

#47 -- Remember not, O God -- Tune: Southwell (Daman) Search!

#81 -- Unto the hills around -- Tune: Sandon Search!

#82 -- I to the hills will lift my eyes -- Tune: Dundee (French) Search!

#85 -- Now Israel may say -- Tune: Old 124Th Search!

#229 -- Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love -- Tune: Chereponi Search!

#326 -- Give to the winds thy fears -- Tune: St. George Search!

#330 -- O God, our help in ages past -- Tune: St. Anne Search!

#412 -- Come, let us sing to the Lord our song -- Tune: Forney Search!

#419 -- You are medicine for me -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#484 -- The church is wherever God's people -- Tune: Cornysh Carol Search!

#489 -- Help us to help each other, Lord -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#531 -- Draw us in the Spirit's tether -- Tune: Union Seminary Search!

#556 -- Now let us from this table rise -- Tune: Solothurn Search!

#560 -- Put peace into each other's hands -- Tune: St. Columba Search!

#574 -- With the Lord as my guide -- Tune: Ridgecrest Search!

#632 -- Help us accept each other -- Tune: Baronita Search!

#685 -- How firm a foundation -- Tune: St. Denio Search!

#700 -- Praise our Maker, peoples of one family -- Tune: Praise Our Maker Search!

#723 -- Lord, in this broken world -- Tune: Stella Orientis Search!

#758 -- Christ's is the world -- Tune: Dream Angus Search!

#775 -- Sent forth by your blessing -- Tune: Ash Grove Search!

#802 -- For the fruits of all creation -- Tune: Ar Hyd Y Nos Search!

#825 -- Saviour, again to your dear name -- Tune: Ellers Search!

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