Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=HOLY SPIRIT

Your search returned 63 results.

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#41 -- Great God, arise -- Tune: Old 113Th Search!

#70 -- All things I see -- Tune: San Rocco Search!

#110 -- Come, thou long-expected Jesus -- Tune: Hyfrydol Search!

#113 -- Comfort, comfort you my people -- Tune: Genevan 42 Search!

#182 -- What was your vow and vision -- Tune: Genevan 130 Search!

#184 -- What king would wade through murky streams -- Tune: Stanton Search!

#194 -- Come, let us to the Lord our God -- Tune: Kilmarnock Search!

#195 -- Come, ye disconsolate -- Tune: Consolation Search!

#205 -- O love, how deep, how broad, how high -- Tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur Search!

#244 -- Hail, O festival day -- Tune: Salve Festa Dies Search!

#277 -- On this assembled host -- Tune: St. Michael Search!

#282 -- Filled with the Spirit's power -- Tune: Farley Castle Search!

#283 -- Let every Christian pray -- Tune: Ludgate Search!

#287 -- O God, whose fire lit the stars -- Tune: Halifax Search!

#291 -- Thou whose almighty word -- Tune: Moscow Search!

#293 -- Come, thou almighty King -- Tune: Moscow Search!

#302 -- O Lord of every shining constellation -- Tune: Highwood Search!

#357 -- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds -- Tune: St. Peter Search!

#361 -- A Stranger, knocking on a door -- Tune: Casad Search!

#371 -- Love divine, all loves excelling -- Tune: Hyfrydol Search!

#375 -- Fairest Lord Jesus -- Tune: Crusader's Hymn Search!

#380 -- Spirit, come, dispel our sadness -- Tune: Genevan 42 Search!

#383 -- Come, holy spirit / Veni Sancte Spiritus -- Tune: Veni Sancte Spiritus Search!

#386 -- Come down, O Love divine -- Tune: Down Ampney Search!

#387 -- Holy Spirit, come, confirm us -- Tune: Drake's Broughton Search!

#390 -- Spirit divine, attend our prayers -- Tune: Gräfenberg Search!

#392 -- O holy Dove of God descending -- Tune: Lois Search!

#402 -- O Holy Spirit, by whose breath -- Tune: Veni Creator Search!

#412 -- Come, let us sing to the Lord our song -- Tune: Forney Search!

#432 -- O Lord of heaven and earth and sea -- Tune: Es Ist Kein Tag Search!

#436 -- God, we praise you for the morning -- Tune: Dickey Search!

#437 -- First of the week and finest day -- Tune: Cannock Search!

#452 -- Jesus, stand among us -- Tune: Caswall (Bemerton) Search!

#475 -- I am the church! You are the church! -- Tune: Port Jervis Search!

#500 -- Open my eyes, that I may see -- Tune: Open My Eyes Search!

#502 -- Lord, thy word abideth -- Tune: Ravenshaw Search!

#506 -- The Spirit breathes upon the word -- Tune: Horsley Search!

#507 -- Break now the bread of life -- Tune: Lathbury Search!

#509 -- Thanks to God whose word was spoken -- Tune: Wylde Green Search!

#573 -- I'll love the Lord -- Tune: Macdowell Search!

#574 -- With the Lord as my guide -- Tune: Ridgecrest Search!

#581 -- Pour out your Spirit from on high -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

#588 -- A prophet-woman broke a jar -- Tune: Megerran Search!

#589 -- God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian -- Tune: Bethany (Smart) Search!

#616 -- They did not build in vain -- Tune: Dolgelly Search!

#666 -- Living God, your joyful Spirit -- Tune: Rex Gloriae Search!

#673 -- A bush bursts into flame -- Tune: Burning Bush Search!

#676 -- Jesus, lover of my soul -- Tune: Aberystwyth Search!

#691 -- My shepherd is the King of love -- Tune: Dominus Regit Me Search!

#701 -- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost -- Tune: Capetown Search!

#712 -- Arise, your light is come -- Tune: Festal Song Search!

#728 -- The storm is strong; we face the wind -- Tune: The King's Majesty Search!

#746 -- What a friend we have in Jesus -- Tune: What A Friend Search!

#747 -- There is a balm in Gilead -- Tune: Balm In Gilead Search!

#749 -- Be still, my soul -- Tune: Finlandia Search!

#761 -- Who's goin' to tell the story -- Tune: Who's Goin' To Tell The Story Search!

#762 -- When the poor ones -- Tune: El Camino Search!

#764 -- There's a spirit in the air -- Tune: Lauds Search!

#768 -- Sometimes a healing word is comfort -- Tune: Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

#778 -- Lord, you give the great commission -- Tune: Hermon Search!

#802 -- For the fruits of all creation -- Tune: Ar Hyd Y Nos Search!

#811 -- Standing at the portal -- Tune: St. Alban's Search!

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