Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=JESUS CHRIST: Lord

Your search returned 11 results.

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#138 -- While shepherds watched -- Tune: Winchester Old Search!

#171 -- The people that in darkness -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#340 -- At the name of Jesus -- Tune: King's Weston Search!

#363 -- All hail the power of Jesus' name -- Tune: Miles Lane Search!

#436 -- God, we praise you for the morning -- Tune: Dickey Search!

#528 -- Jesus calls us here to meet him -- Tune: Jesus Calls Us Search!

#542 -- Let all mortal flesh keep silence -- Tune: Picardy Search!

#555 -- Worship the Lord -- Tune: Worship The Lord Search!

#748 -- Lord of all hopefulness -- Tune: Snowshill Search!

#757 -- Come sing, O church, in joy! -- Tune: Darwall's 148Th Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

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