Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=JESUS CHRIST: Name of

Your search returned 30 results.

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#111 -- Creator of the stars of night -- Tune: Conditor Alme Siderum Search!

#115 -- Hail to the Lord's Anointed -- Tune: St. Theodulph Search!

#118 -- Hark the glad sound -- Tune: Richmond Search!

#155 -- That boy-child of Mary -- Tune: Blantyre Search!

#171 -- The people that in darkness -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#210 -- Man of sorrows, wondrous name -- Tune: Man Of Sorrows Search!

#273 -- Jesus, our mighty Lord, our strength in sadness -- Tune: Monks Gate Search!

#327 -- Sing praise to God who reigns above -- Tune: Mit Freuden Zart Search!

#340 -- At the name of Jesus -- Tune: King's Weston Search!

#342 -- All who the name of Jesus bear -- Tune: St. Stephen (Newington) Search!

#343 -- All praise to thee -- Tune: Engelberg Search!

#357 -- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds -- Tune: St. Peter Search!

#359 -- The great Physician now is near -- Tune: Sympathy Search!

#363 -- All hail the power of Jesus' name -- Tune: Miles Lane Search!

#367 -- Jesus, the very thought of thee -- Tune: St. Agnes, Durham Search!

#374 -- Oh for a thousand tongues to sing -- Tune: Richmond Search!

#401 -- O Spirit of the living God -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

#413 -- Come let us join our cheerful songs -- Tune: Nativity Search!

#459 -- O servants of God -- Tune: Laudate Dominum Search!

#463 -- O burning mountain, O chosen sun -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#513 -- Now there is no male or female -- Tune: Omni Die (Luxembourg) Search!

#518 -- O God eternal, sovereign Lord -- Tune: Almsgiving Search!

#520 -- Servants of the Saviour -- Tune: Whitworth Search!

#589 -- God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian -- Tune: Bethany (Smart) Search!

#590 -- We have this ministry -- Tune: Ministry Search!

#643 -- Lift high the cross -- Tune: Crucifer Search!

#673 -- A bush bursts into flame -- Tune: Burning Bush Search!

#676 -- Jesus, lover of my soul -- Tune: Aberystwyth Search!

#774 -- God forgave my sin / Freely, freely -- Tune: Freely, Freely Search!

#775 -- Sent forth by your blessing -- Tune: Ash Grove Search!

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