Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=JESUS CHRIST: Word

Your search returned 42 results.

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Also see:

#19 -- High in the heavens, eternal God -- Tune: Song 34 Search!

#60 -- God, our Sovereign Lord remaining -- Tune: Bryn Calfaria Search!

#77 -- From all that dwell below the skies -- Tune: Church Triumphant Search!

#80 -- Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth -- Tune: Eisenach Search!

#91 -- Out of the depths I cry -- Tune: Growing Search!

#97 -- We thank you, Lord, for you are good -- Tune: Was Gott Tut Search!

#100 -- I'll praise you, Lord -- Tune: Highwood Search!

#113 -- Comfort, comfort you my people -- Tune: Genevan 42 Search!

#127 -- Sleepers, wake! -- Tune: Wachet Auf Search!

#128 -- There's a voice in the wilderness crying -- Tune: Ascension Search!

#132 -- What is the crying at Jordan -- Tune: St. Mark's, Berkeley Search!

#158 -- The hands that first held Mary's child -- Tune: Noel Search!

#159 -- Oh come, all ye faithful -- Tune: Adeste Fideles Search!

#161 -- What child is this -- Tune: Greensleeves Search!

#180 -- How brightly beams the morning star -- Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet Search!

#187 -- We have come at Christ's own bidding -- Tune: Brewer Search!

#190 -- You thirsty ones -- Tune: Belmont Search!

#273 -- Jesus, our mighty Lord, our strength in sadness -- Tune: Monks Gate Search!

#291 -- Thou whose almighty word -- Tune: Moscow Search!

#293 -- Come, thou almighty King -- Tune: Moscow Search!

#315 -- A mighty fortress is our God -- Tune: Ein' Feste Burg Search!

#340 -- At the name of Jesus -- Tune: King's Weston Search!

#341 -- Before the world began -- Tune: Incarnation Search!

#354 -- O living Word of God -- Tune: Gopsal Search!

#376 -- Lord, the light of your love is shining -- Tune: Shine, Jesus, Shine Search!

#391 -- O Holy Spirit, Root of life -- Tune: Otterspoor Search!

#429 -- Your strong word once cleaved the darkness -- Tune: Ton-Y-Botel Search!

#438 -- When morning gilds the skies -- Tune: Laudes Domini Search!

#503 -- Not far beyond the sea -- Tune: Cornwall Search!

#505 -- O Christ, the Word, incarnate -- Tune: Chenies Search!

#507 -- Break now the bread of life -- Tune: Lathbury Search!

#508 -- Your word, O God, awoke the uncreated -- Tune: Londonderry Air Search!

#509 -- Thanks to God whose word was spoken -- Tune: Wylde Green Search!

#528 -- Jesus calls us here to meet him -- Tune: Jesus Calls Us Search!

#529 -- O holy Father, God most dear -- Tune: Sussex Carol Search!

#558 -- The Son of God proclaim -- Tune: Festal Song Search!

#607 -- Ye watchers and ye holy ones -- Tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen Search!

#644 -- May the mind of Christ my Saviour -- Tune: St. Leonard's Search!

#720 -- Our cities cry to you, O God -- Tune: The Third Tune Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

#811 -- Standing at the portal -- Tune: St. Alban's Search!

#817 -- O splendour of God's glory bright -- Tune: Solemnis Haec Festivitas Search!

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