Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=MARRIAGE / WEDDINGS

Your search returned 11 results.

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#89 -- Bless all who trust in God
Tune name: Sandys Search! -- 6 6 8 6 SM Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: paraphrase: Mowbray, David (1938-) © Hope Publishing Company
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 128:1,3 Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PSALMS section 1ff
#181 -- All praise to you, O Lord
Tune name: St. Ethelwald Search! -- 6 6 8 6 SM Search!
MIDI files Usage Log
22-1-2006 introit  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • John 2:1-11 (v.1-3) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 19:09 (v.4) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: EPIPHANY section 170ff
#371 -- Love divine, all loves excelling
Tune name: Hyfrydol Search! -- 8 7 8 7 D Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
19-8-2001 (5th)
08-9-2002 (1st)
29-12-2002 (6th)
16-4-2003 (1st)
25-5-2003 (1st)
18-1-2004 (1st)
09-5-2004 (1st)
01-8-2004 (1st)
24-7-2005 (1st)
13-8-2006 (4th)
28-1-2007 (4th)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • 1 John 4:7-12 Read! Search!
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Malachi 3:1 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 1:8,17 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 21:1-6 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 21:6 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 22:13 (v.2) Read! Search!
  • Revelation 4:10,11 (v.4) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: GOD IN CHRIST section 340ff
#407 -- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Tune name: Praise, My Soul Search! -- 8 7 8 7 8 7 Search! -- in "4/4,3/2,4/4" time -- Part Unison, Part Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
01-7-2001 (1st)
04-11-2001 (1st) hymn sing
26-5-2002 (5th)
29-9-2002 (1st) induction service
20-10-2002 (1st)
10-11-2002 (1st) hymn sing
22-2-2004 (1st)
16-5-2004 (1st)
15-8-2004 (1st)
26-9-2004 (1st)
06-2-2005 (1st)
17-4-2005 (1st)
06-11-2005 (1st)
09-7-2006 (3rd)
14-1-2007 (1st)
16-9-2007 (1st)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 103 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#410 -- Joyful, joyful we adore you
Tune name: Hymn To Joy Search! -- 8 7 8 7 D Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
20-5-2001 (4th)
31-3-2002 (5th)
07-4-2002 introit (v4)
06-10-2002 (5th)
05-10-2003 (4th) vv. 1,3
18-1-2004 (4th)
01-8-2004 (5th)
03-10-2004 (5th)
24-4-2005 (1st)
26-6-2005 (6th)
02-10-2005 (5th) vv.1,3
06-8-2006 (3rd)
24-12-2006 (5th)
14-1-2007 (5th)  
Words: revision: Donaldson, Andrew (1951-) © Presbyterian Church in Canada
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Job 38:7 (v.4) Read! Search!
  • Leviticus 19:18 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 19:19 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Matthew 22:39 (v.3) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#440 -- For all the love
Tune name: Stars Search! -- 10 10 10 4 Search! -- in 4-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: Schalk, Carl F. (1929-) © Carl F. Schalk
Scripture references: Alternate tunes
Sine Nomine Search!
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#457 -- Now thank we all our God
Tune name: Nun Danket Search! -- 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 Search! -- Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Bass Listen!
Usage Log
13-10-2002 (3rd)
10-10-2004 (4th)
28-5-2006 (5th)
08-10-2006 (5th)
16-9-2007 doxology, v.1
07-10-2007 (4th)  
Words: public domain Read!
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 71:6 (v.1) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#467 -- Praise, my soul, the God who crowns you
Tune name: Praise, My Soul Search! -- 8 7 8 7 8 7 Search! -- in "4/4,3/2,4/4" time -- Part Unison, Part Harmony
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Alto Listen!
Tenor Listen!
Bass Listen!
Usage Log
12-1-2003 anthem
24-10-2004 (1st)
30-1-2005 (1st)
02-10-2005 (1st)
05-2-2006 (1st)
30-7-2006 (1st)  
Words: paraphrase: Donaldson, Andrew (1951-) © Presbyterian Church in Canada
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • Psalms 103 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: WORSHIP section 406ff
#565 -- Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
Tune name: The Call Search! -- 7 7 7 7 Search! -- Unison
MIDI files
Melody Listen!
Full score Listen!
Usage Log
Words: public domain Read!
Music: Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958) © Stainer & Bell Ltd
Scripture references:
  • John 14:6 (v.1) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: PROFESSION OF FAITH section 565ff
#692 -- Where charity and love prevail
Tune name: Twenty-Fourth Search! -- 8 6 8 6 CM Search!
MIDI files Usage Log
Words: translation, English: Westendorf, Omer (1916-) © World Library Publications
Music: public domain
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 (v.5) Read! Search!
  • 1 John 4:7-21 Read! Search!
  • Colossians 3:13 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • Ephesians 4:32 (v.3) Read! Search!
  • John 20:19-23 (v.4) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Section: LOVE section 691ff
#695 -- Although I speak with angel's tongue
Tune name: She's Like The Swallow Search! -- 8 8 8 8 LM Search! -- in 3-4 time -- Harmony
MIDI files * Usage Log
Words: paraphrase: Donaldson, Andrew (1951-) © Andrew Donaldson
Music: arrangement: Donaldson, Andrew (1951-) © Andrew Donaldson
Scripture references:
  • 1 Corinthians 13 (para) Read! Search!
Alternate tunes
Folksong (O Waly, Waly) Search!
Section: LOVE section 691ff

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