Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=MERCY

Your search returned 26 results.

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#32 -- Within your temple, Lord -- Tune: St. John Search!

#54 -- My song forever shall record -- Tune: St. Petersburg Search!

#65 -- All people that on earth do dwell -- Tune: Old 100Th Search!

#67 -- Thou shalt arise -- Tune: Duke Street Search!

#68 -- Bless the Lord, O my soul -- Tune: Bless The Lord, O My Soul Search!

#69 -- O thou, my soul, bless God the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#76 -- I love the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#77 -- From all that dwell below the skies -- Tune: Church Triumphant Search!

#90 -- Up from the depths I cry to you -- Tune: Macpherson's Farewell Search!

#94 -- Bless the Lord as day departs -- Tune: Asthall Search!

#337 -- Eternal, Unchanging, we sing to your praise -- Tune: St. Basil Search!

#352 -- And can it be that I should gain -- Tune: Sagina Search!

#376 -- Lord, the light of your love is shining -- Tune: Shine, Jesus, Shine Search!

#443 -- When all thy mercies, O my God -- Tune: Belgrave Search!

#467 -- Praise, my soul, the God who crowns you -- Tune: Praise, My Soul Search!

#497 -- Word of God, across the ages -- Tune: Austria Search!

#589 -- God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian -- Tune: Bethany (Smart) Search!

#624 -- Blest are they -- Tune: Blest Are They Search!

#640 -- Softly and tenderly -- Tune: Thompson Search!

#669 -- And Jesus said our God is like a shepherd -- Tune: And Jesus Said Search!

#693 -- Come, O thou traveler unknown -- Tune: Candler Search!

#699 -- All the way my Saviour leads me -- Tune: All The Way Search!

#738 -- God the omnipotent -- Tune: Russian Hymn Search!

#742 -- Lead on, O King eternal -- Tune: Lancashire Search!

#762 -- When the poor ones -- Tune: El Camino Search!

#815 -- New every morning is the love -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

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