Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=MISSION

Your search returned 47 results.

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Section: MISSION

#180 -- How brightly beams the morning star -- Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet Search!

#229 -- Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love -- Tune: Chereponi Search!

#275 -- Jesus shall reign where're the sun -- Tune: Warrington Search!

#276 -- Come, O Spirit, with your sound -- Tune: Boundless Mercy Search!

#291 -- Thou whose almighty word -- Tune: Moscow Search!

#384 -- O Breath of life, come sweeping through us -- Tune: Spiritus Vitae Search!

#401 -- O Spirit of the living God -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

#471 -- We are one in the Spirit -- Tune: We Are One In The Spirit Search!

#475 -- I am the church! You are the church! -- Tune: Port Jervis Search!

#477 -- Your hand, O God, has guided -- Tune: Thornbury Search!

#480 -- In Christ there is no east or west -- Tune: Mckee Search!

#486 -- The church of Christ, in every age -- Tune: Dickinson College Search!

#491 -- God bless your church with strength -- Tune: Ich Halte Treulich Still Search!

#495 -- The heavens declare your glory, Lord -- Tune: Church Triumphant Search!

#500 -- Open my eyes, that I may see -- Tune: Open My Eyes Search!

#505 -- O Christ, the Word, incarnate -- Tune: Chenies Search!

#508 -- Your word, O God, awoke the uncreated -- Tune: Londonderry Air Search!

#549 -- For the bread which you have broken -- Tune: Omni Die Search!

#563 -- Let us talents and tongues employ -- Tune: Linstead Search!

#570 -- I have decided to follow Jesus -- Tune: Assam Search!

#583 -- You are called to tell the story -- Tune: Larkin Search!

#584 -- Give me the faith -- Tune: Colchester Search!

#587 -- Called as partners in Christ's service -- Tune: Beecher Search!

#592 -- I, the Lord of sea and sky -- Tune: Here I Am, Lord Search!

#612 -- Christ is the King -- Tune: Vulpius Search!

#640 -- Softly and tenderly -- Tune: Thompson Search!

#652 -- Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go -- Tune: Canonbury Search!

#661 -- We give thee but thine own -- Tune: Franconia Search!

#663 -- God, whose giving knows no ending -- Tune: Rustington Search!

#665 -- Lord Jesus, you shall be my song -- Tune: Les Petites Soeurs Search!

#668 -- Give us this day our daily bread -- Tune: Barbara Search!

#681 -- We have heard a joyful sound -- Tune: Jesus Saves Search!

#706 -- Come, let us sing -- Tune: Wonderful Love Search!

#721 -- All who love and serve your city -- Tune: Charlestown Search!

#723 -- Lord, in this broken world -- Tune: Stella Orientis Search!

#724 -- Come now, you blessed, eat at my table -- Tune: Come Now, You Blessed Search!

#726 -- May the God of hope go with us every day -- Tune: Canto De Esperanza Search!

#747 -- There is a balm in Gilead -- Tune: Balm In Gilead Search!

#753 -- You walk along our shoreline -- Tune: Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien Search!

#755 -- Go ye, go ye into the world -- Tune: Go Ye, Go Ye Search!

#761 -- Who's goin' to tell the story -- Tune: Who's Goin' To Tell The Story Search!

#764 -- There's a spirit in the air -- Tune: Lauds Search!

#765 -- We've a story to tell to the nations -- Tune: Message Search!

#768 -- Sometimes a healing word is comfort -- Tune: Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott Search!

#774 -- God forgave my sin / Freely, freely -- Tune: Freely, Freely Search!

#775 -- Sent forth by your blessing -- Tune: Ash Grove Search!

#801 -- From ocean unto ocean -- Tune: Ellacombe Search!

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