Hymn Search Results

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Your search returned 47 results.

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Also see:
GOD: Protection of see GOD: Refuge and Strength; GOD: Shelter / Shield

#2 -- How many are against me, Lord -- Tune: Adon Olam Search!

#10 -- God's glory fills the heavens -- Tune: St. Patrick Search!

#14 -- Safe in your hands, O God who made me -- Tune: Safe In The Hands Search!

#17 -- How blest are they whose trespass -- Tune: Gosterwood Search!

#27 -- As the deer pants -- Tune: As The Deer Search!

#29 -- Oh send thy light forth -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#30 -- God is our refuge and our strength -- Tune: Stroudwater Search!

#35 -- Listen to my prayer, Lord -- Tune: Listening Search!

#36 -- I rest in God alone -- Tune: I Rest In God Alone Search!

#44 -- In sweet communion, Lord, with you -- Tune: Bedfordshire May Day Carol Search!

#52 -- How lovely is thy dwelling place -- Tune: Harington Search!

#53 -- How lovely, Lord, how lovely -- Tune: Merle's Tune Search!

#56 -- O Lord, the refuge of each generation -- Tune: O Lord, The Refuge Search!

#76 -- I love the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#82 -- I to the hills will lift my eyes -- Tune: Dundee (French) Search!

#101 -- You are before me, Lord -- Tune: Sursum Corda Search!

#102 -- When I lift up my voice -- Tune: When I Lift Up My Voice Search!

#192 -- The glory of these forty days -- Tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr Search!

#205 -- O love, how deep, how broad, how high -- Tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur Search!

#211 -- Take up your cross -- Tune: Hesperus Search!

#286 -- Creator God, creating still -- Tune: This Endrys Night Search!

#313 -- Oh worship the King -- Tune: Hanover Search!

#315 -- A mighty fortress is our God -- Tune: Ein' Feste Burg Search!

#321 -- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty -- Tune: Lobe Den Herren Search!

#325 -- Eternal Father, strong to save -- Tune: Melita Search!

#330 -- O God, our help in ages past -- Tune: St. Anne Search!

#355 -- Light of the minds that know him -- Tune: Meirionydd Search!

#395 -- Fire of God, O sacred flame -- Tune: Gott Sei Dank Durch Aller Welt Search!

#405 -- Lord, we pray not for tranquillity -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#411 -- Stand up and bless the Lord -- Tune: St. Thomas Search!

#412 -- Come, let us sing to the Lord our song -- Tune: Forney Search!

#436 -- God, we praise you for the morning -- Tune: Dickey Search!

#440 -- For all the love -- Tune: Stars Search!

#461 -- Be thou my vision -- Tune: Slane Search!

#491 -- God bless your church with strength -- Tune: Ich Halte Treulich Still Search!

#565 -- Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life -- Tune: The Call Search!

#576 -- I bind unto myself today -- Tune: St. Patrick, Deirdre Search!

#605 -- Strength to the troubled heart, we come -- Tune: Eltham Search!

#621 -- God be with you till we meet again -- Tune: Randolph Search!

#651 -- Guide me, O thou great Redeemer -- Tune: Cwm Rhondda Search!

#654 -- O God of Bethel, by whose hand -- Tune: Salzburg (Haydn) Search!

#662 -- Those who wait on the Lord -- Tune: Eagle's Wings Search!

#675 -- Precious Lord, take my hand -- Tune: Precious Lord Search!

#688 -- As water to the thirsty -- Tune: Oasis Search!

#690 -- Fight the good fight -- Tune: Pentecost Search!

#776 -- Jesus, life of all the world -- Tune: Grosser Gott Search!

#816 -- Now that the daylight fills -- Tune: Herr, Jesu Christ Search!

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