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You searched for: hymnnumbers=406-468
Your search returned 63 results.
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#406 -- Jump with joy -- Tune: Njo Njo Njo
#407 -- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven -- Tune: Praise, My Soul
#408 -- I will call upon the Lord -- Tune: I Will Call Upon The Lord
#409 -- O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name -- Tune: O Lord, Our Lord
#410 -- Joyful, joyful we adore you -- Tune: Hymn To Joy
#411 -- Stand up and bless the Lord -- Tune: St. Thomas
#412 -- Come, let us sing to the Lord our song -- Tune: Forney
#413 -- Come let us join our cheerful songs -- Tune: Nativity
#414 -- God, reveal your presence -- Tune: Arnsberg (Reverence)
#415 -- Children of Jerusalem -- Tune: Infant Praise
#416 -- Blessed Jesus, at your word -- Tune: Liebster Jesu
#417 -- Come, rejoice in God -- Tune: Jubilate Servite
#418 -- Praise the Lord -- Tune: Laudate Pueri
#419 -- You are medicine for me -- Tune: Words Only
#420 -- Je louerai l'Éternel / Praise, I will praise -- Tune: Je Louerai L'Eternel
#421 -- Rejoice in the Lord -- Tune: Rejoice
#422 -- Sing a new song unto the Lord -- Tune: Sing A New Song
#423 -- Sing your praise to God eternal -- Tune: Arfon (Major)
#424 -- Sing, praise and bless the Lord -- Tune: Laudate Dominum (Taizé)
#425 -- We praise you, O God -- Tune: Kremser
#426 -- Holy, holy, holy (Cabena) -- Tune: Sanctus (Cabena)
#427 -- In the presence of your people -- Tune: Celebration
#428 -- We love your house, O God -- Tune: Quam Dilecta
#429 -- Your strong word once cleaved the darkness -- Tune: Ton-Y-Botel
#430 -- You are Author -- Tune: Sara Shriste
#431 -- Jesus, where'er thy people meet -- Tune: Warrington
#432 -- O Lord of heaven and earth and sea -- Tune: Es Ist Kein Tag
#433 -- All creatures of our God and King -- Tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen
#434 -- For the beauty of the earth -- Tune: Dix
#435 -- All things bright and beautiful -- Tune: Royal Oak
#436 -- God, we praise you for the morning -- Tune: Dickey
#437 -- First of the week and finest day -- Tune: Cannock
#438 -- When morning gilds the skies -- Tune: Laudes Domini
#439 -- When in our music God is glorified -- Tune: Engelberg
#440 -- For all the love -- Tune: Stars
#441 -- Can a little child like me -- Tune: Thanksgiving
#442 -- Speak, Lord, in the stillness -- Tune: Caswall (Bemerton)
#443 -- When all thy mercies, O my God -- Tune: Belgrave
#444 -- Sweet is the solemn voice -- Tune: Hamburg (Voice Divine)
#445 -- Open our eyes, Lord -- Tune: Open Our Eyes
#446 -- O Lord, hear my prayer / The Lord is my song -- Tune: O Lord, Hear My Prayer
#447 -- O Great Spirit -- Tune: O Great Spirit
#448 -- O God beyond all praising -- Tune: Thaxted
#449 -- Lord, listen to your children praying -- Tune: Children Praying
#450 -- Great Shepherd of your people, hear -- Tune: Berford
#451 -- Dear Father, Lord of humankind -- Tune: Rest
#452 -- Jesus, stand among us -- Tune: Caswall (Bemerton)
#453 -- Oh sing to our God -- Tune: Cantad Al Señor
#454 -- Blest be the everlasting God -- Tune: Abridge
#455 -- Day by day -- Tune: Day By Day
#456 -- Be present at our table -- Tune: Tallis' Canon
#457 -- Now thank we all our God -- Tune: Nun Danket
#458 -- God, of your goodness give me yourself -- Tune: Words Only
#459 -- O servants of God -- Tune: Laudate Dominum
#460 -- Teach us, good Lord, to serve you -- Tune: Words Only
#461 -- Be thou my vision -- Tune: Slane
#462 -- All my hope on God is founded -- Tune: Michael
#463 -- O burning mountain, O chosen sun -- Tune: Words Only
#464 -- Oh that I had a thousand voices -- Tune: O Dass Ich Tausend Zungen Hätte
#465 -- The things, good Lord, that we pray for -- Tune: Words Only
#466 -- Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpet -- Tune: Praise The Lord
#467 -- Praise, my soul, the God who crowns you -- Tune: Praise, My Soul
#468 -- Lord, dismiss us with your blessing -- Tune: Tantum Ergo
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