St. David's Presbyterian Church: Record of Hymns

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Welcome to the Record of Hymns for St. David's Church. Here you will find the melody and full scores of the hymns, in MIDI format, sung within specified dates. We hope that if you, our congregation, can have an advance listen to what we'll be singing, you'll feel more comfortable lifting your voice with us. If you'd like to hear the alto, tenor, or bass line separated from the rest, just e-mail Heather.

Every Sunday we sing: Praise God from whom all blessings flow (#830) or We give thee but thine own (#661) after the offering; and Three-Fold Amen (#780) after the benediction.

How does it work?

Numbered hymns are from the 1997 (black) Book of Praise; please see that volume for complete copyright listing. More information on the Book of Praise can be found within the Presbyterian Church in Canada website.

The MIDIs should play in your Web browser when clicked on, if you are using an up-to-date version of Netscape or Internet Explorer. You may also right-click on them to save them to disk and use a stand-alone MIDI player to hear them. See Tips and Tools for more technical info.

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Play Melody Play hymn with harmony and/or accompaniment Read Lyrics Music or lyrics file missing Consult Hymn Search Database Link removed due to copyright

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October 20, 2002 Info

[Info] #407 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (melody) (full) Lyrics
Music: public domain --- Words: public domain

[Info] #372 Praise him, praise him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer (melody) (full) Lyrics
Music: public domain --- Words: public domain

[Info] #765 We've a story to tell to the nations (melody) (full) Lyrics
Music: public domain --- Words: public domain

[Info] #376 Lord, the light of your love is shining     
Music: Integrity Music, Inc. --- Words: Integrity Music, Inc.

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Enter below the start and end dates you wish to use. The word today will be translated into today's date. Invalid or blank dates will default to 7 days ago and hence, respectively.

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 End date (YYYY-MM-DD):
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Verbose: list with links to MIDIs and lyrics

Search the Book of Praise Database
find titles, tune names, meters, usage dates, and Scripture references!

MIDI files created and page maintained by Heather Patey.
Not responsible for errors or omissions, but please let me know if you find any! (Other comments also welcome.)

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