Hymn #645: Follow me, the Master said

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1. 'Follow me,' the Master said:
we will follow Jesus.
By his word and Spirit led,
we will follow Jesus.
Still for us he lives to plead,
at the throne will intercede,
offers help in time of need;
we will follow Jesus.

2. Should the world and sin oppose,
we will follow Jesus.
He is greater than our foes;
we will follow Jesus.
On his promise we depend;
he will hear us and defend,
help and keep us to the end;
we will follow Jesus.

3. Though the way may dark appear,
we will follow Jesus.
He will make our pathway clear;
we will follow Jesus.
In our daily round of care,
as we plead with God in prayer,
with the cross which we must bear,
we will follow Jesus.

4. Ever keep that end in view;
we will follow Jesus.
All his promises are true;
we will follow Jesus.
When this earthly course is run,
and the Master says, 'Well done!'
life eternal we have won;
we will follow Jesus.

See Database Entry for Hymn #645

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