Index of Public-Domain Hymn Lyrics
Here is a list of all the hymns for which the lyrics are in the public domain. The icon leads to the database entry for that hymn. For hymns (in bold) whose lyrics have been typed into my computer and formatted for reading, click on the icon to read them.
- #1: How blest are they, who, fearing God
- #5: Lord, our Lord, your glorious name
- #9: God's law is perfect
- #11: The Lord's my shepherd
- #13: Ye gates, lift up your heads
- #15: The Lord's my light
- #17: How blest are they whose trespass
- #19: High in the heavens, eternal God
- #26: As pants the hart
- #29: Oh send thy light forth
- #32: Within your temple, Lord
- #34: God be merciful to me
- #37: O God, thou art my God alone
- #39: God of mercy, God of grace
- #44: In sweet communion, Lord, with you
- #47: Remember not, O God
- #51: There where the judges gather
- #54: My song forever shall record
- #55: God moves in a mysterious way
- #58: To render thanks unto the Lord
- #60: God, our Sovereign Lord remaining
- #61: Oh come and sing unto the Lord
- #64: Be still and know that I am God
- #65: All people that on earth do dwell
- #77: From all that dwell below the skies
- #78: This is the day
- #79: Praise God from whom all blessings flow
- #80: Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth
- #81: Unto the hills around
- #82: I to the hills will lift my eyes
- #85: Now Israel may say
- #96: Let us with a gladsome mind
- #98: By the Babylonian rivers
- #99: By the waters, the waters of Babylon
- #105: I'll praise my Maker while I've breath
- #107: Sing praise to the Lord
- #110: Come, thou long-expected Jesus
- #112: Prepare the way of the Lord
- #113: Comfort, comfort you my people
- #115: Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- #116: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding
- #118: Hark the glad sound
- #122: Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel
- #126: On Jordan's bank
- #128: There's a voice in the wilderness crying
- #136: The first nowell
- #138: While shepherds watched
- #141: Good Christians, all rejoice
- #145: In the bleak mid-winter
- #146: Angels from the realms of glory
- #147: Angels we have heard on high
- #148: It came upon the midnight clear
- #149: Away in a manger
- #150: Jesus, our brother, kind and good
- #151: Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming
- #153: Joy to the world
- #154: Silent night
- #156: The angel Gabriel from heaven
- #157: The snow lay on the ground
- #159: Oh come, all ye faithful
- #161: What child is this
- #162: On Christmas night all Christians sing
- #164: O little town of Bethlehem
- #165: O little town of Bethlehem
- #166: Once in royal David's city
- #169: Il est né
- #170: What star is this
- #171: The people that in darkness
- #172: As with gladness men of old
- #173: We three kings
- #174: Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
- #175: Brightest and best
- #176: Songs of thankfulness and praise
- #177: Christ, whose glory fills the skies
- #180: How brightly beams the morning star
- #181: All praise to you, O Lord
- #189: As when the Hebrew prophet raised
- #193: Out of my bondage, sorrow and night
- #194: Come, let us to the Lord our God
- #195: Come, ye disconsolate
- #197: Forty days and forty nights
- #198: I hunger and I thirst
- #200: Lord Jesus, who through forty days
- #204: Thou didst leave thy throne
- #205: O love, how deep, how broad, how high
- #206: Jesus, remember me
- #207: Lord Jesus, think on me
- #208: In the cross of Christ I glory
- #209: O Love that wilt not let me go
- #210: Man of sorrows, wondrous name
- #211: Take up your cross
- #213: Hosanna
- #214: All glory, laud and honour
- #217: Ride on, ride on in majesty
- #220: My song is love unknown
- #221: O dearest Lord
- #228: Drop, drop, slow tears
- #231: When I survey the wondrous cross
- #233: Were you there when they crucified my Lord
- #235: Alas, and did my Saviour bleed
- #236: At the cross her vigil keeping
- #237: Oh come and mourn with me awhile
- #238: Beneath the cross of Jesus
- #239: O sacred head, sore wounded
- #240: Rock of ages, cleft for me
- #242: What wondrous love is this
- #245: You choirs of new Jerusalem
- #247: Christ the Lord is risen today
- #249: The day of resurrection
- #252: He is Lord
- #253: Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
- #255: Now let the vault of heaven resound
- #257: The strife is o'er, the battle done
- #261: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
- #265: Hail the day that sees Christ rise
- #267: Rejoice, the Lord is King
- #270: The head that once was crowned with thorns
- #271: Let all the world in every corner sing
- #274: Crown him with many crowns
- #275: Jesus shall reign where're the sun
- #277: On this assembled host
- #284: Revive your work, O Lord
- #290: Immortal, invisible, God only wise
- #291: Thou whose almighty word
- #293: Come, thou almighty King
- #294: Hallelujah (Sinclair)
- #297: O love that casts out fear
- #303: Holy, holy, holy (Argentina)
- #308: Lord of all being, throned afar
- #313: Oh worship the King
- #318: Glory to God
- #320: There is a green hill far away
- #323: Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him
- #325: Eternal Father, strong to save
- #326: Give to the winds thy fears
- #330: O God, our help in ages past
- #331: The God of Abraham praise
- #333: I sing the almighty power of God
- #336: Lord, have mercy
- #339: Who made the earth and the heaven
- #340: At the name of Jesus
- #344: The wise may bring their learning
- #347: There were ninety and nine
- #349: My hope is built on nothing less
- #352: And can it be that I should gain
- #357: How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
- #359: The great Physician now is near
- #360: Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
- #363: All hail the power of Jesus' name
- #364: Approach, my soul, the mercy seat
- #366: Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts
- #367: Jesus, the very thought of thee
- #368: Let Christian faith and hope dispel
- #369: Blessing and honour and glory
- #370: Hallelujah! sing to Jesus
- #371: Love divine, all loves excelling
- #372: Praise him, praise him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer
- #374: Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
- #378: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning
- #380: Spirit, come, dispel our sadness
- #382: Spirit of God, descend upon my heart
- #386: Come down, O Love divine
- #389: Breathe on me, breath of God
- #390: Spirit divine, attend our prayers
- #393: I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
- #394: Holy Spirit, truth divine
- #396: As comes the breath of spring
- #397: From the cowardice that dares not face new truth
- #401: O Spirit of the living God
- #404: O Spirit come, our hearts inspire
- #405: Lord, we pray not for tranquillity
- #407: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
- #411: Stand up and bless the Lord
- #413: Come let us join our cheerful songs
- #415: Children of Jerusalem
- #416: Blessed Jesus, at your word
- #419: You are medicine for me
- #421: Rejoice in the Lord
- #424: Sing, praise and bless the Lord
- #425: We praise you, O God
- #426: Holy, holy, holy (Cabena)
- #428: We love your house, O God
- #431: Jesus, where'er thy people meet
- #432: O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
- #434: For the beauty of the earth
- #435: All things bright and beautiful
- #440: For all the love
- #442: Speak, Lord, in the stillness
- #443: When all thy mercies, O my God
- #444: Sweet is the solemn voice
- #450: Great Shepherd of your people, hear
- #451: Dear Father, Lord of humankind
- #452: Jesus, stand among us
- #454: Blest be the everlasting God
- #455: Day by day
- #456: Be present at our table
- #457: Now thank we all our God
- #458: God, of your goodness give me yourself
- #459: O servants of God
- #460: Teach us, good Lord, to serve you
- #463: O burning mountain, O chosen sun
- #465: The things, good Lord, that we pray for
- #468: Lord, dismiss us with your blessing
- #476: Amigos de Cristo / Friends of the Lord
- #477: Your hand, O God, has guided
- #479: The church's one foundation
- #480: In Christ there is no east or west
- #482: Christ is made the sure foundation
- #483: Glorious things of thee are spoken
- #485: Saviour, like a shepherd lead us
- #487: Onward, Christian soldiers
- #489: Help us to help each other, Lord
- #490: God of grace and God of glory
- #494: Lord, be thy word
- #495: The heavens declare your glory, Lord
- #498: Sing them over again to me
- #499: Tell me the old, old story
- #500: Open my eyes, that I may see
- #502: Lord, thy word abideth
- #505: O Christ, the Word, incarnate
- #506: The Spirit breathes upon the word
- #507: Break now the bread of life
- #511: Lamp of our feet
- #513: Now there is no male or female
- #516: A little child the Saviour came
- #517: See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
- #523: Christ has died; Christ is risen
- #525: Behold the Lamb of God
- #532: Hallelujah (Iona)
- #533: Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
- #537: 'Twas on that night
- #541: Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
- #542: Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- #543: Here, O my Lord, I see thee
- #544: Lord, have mercy
- #545: Jesus, Lamb of God (Donaldson)
- #547: Lord, have mercy upon us
- #548: Let us break bread together
- #549: For the bread which you have broken
- #551: Bread of the world
- #552: Lord, have mercy upon us
- #553: May the Lord bless you, may the Lord keep you
- #554: Now to him who loved us
- #561: Lord, have mercy
- #565: Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
- #568: I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
- #569: O Jesus, I have promised
- #570: I have decided to follow Jesus
- #571: Lord, I want to be a Christian
- #572: God be in my head
- #575: Lead me, Lord
- #576: I bind unto myself today
- #579: Oh, I know the Lord's laid his hands on me
- #580: God be in my head
- #581: Pour out your Spirit from on high
- #584: Give me the faith
- #591: Hallelujah (Maraire)
- #594: Glory be to the Father
- #598: O perfect Love
- #606: Ye holy angels bright
- #608: Oh what their joy and their glory must be
- #610: Light's abode, celestial Salem
- #611: For all the saints
- #615: Let saints on earth in concert sing
- #619: The Lord bless you / Aaronic Blessing
- #621: God be with you till we meet again
- #623: Holy, holy, holy (Schubert)
- #629: Salvation and immortal praise
- #633: Who would true valour see
- #637: Take my life, and let it be consecrated
- #638: Take time to be holy
- #640: Softly and tenderly
- #642: O Master, let me walk with thee
- #645: Follow me, the Master said
- #647: Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
- #648: I'm gonna live so God can use me
- #650: He leadeth me
- #651: Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
- #652: Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
- #653: Fill all my life, O Lord my God
- #654: O God of Bethel, by whose hand
- #655: Give me oil in my lamp
- #659: King of glory, King of peace
- #660: Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
- #661: We give thee but thine own
- #662: Those who wait on the Lord
- #670: Amazing grace
- #671: I heard the voice of Jesus say
- #672: Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
- #676: Jesus, lover of my soul
- #677: My faith looks up to thee
- #678: I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art
- #680: Christ, of all my hopes the ground
- #681: We have heard a joyful sound
- #682: Just as I am, without one plea
- #683: I know not why such wondrous grace
- #684: Glory to the Father
- #685: How firm a foundation
- #686: How firm a foundation
- #687: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
- #689: Simply trusting every day
- #690: Fight the good fight
- #693: Come, O thou traveler unknown
- #694: This is my commandment
- #698: Saviour, teach me day by day
- #699: All the way my Saviour leads me
- #701: Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
- #703: Happy the home when God is there
- #705: God, who made the earth
- #706: Come, let us sing
- #708: When Israel was in Egypt's land
- #711: O holy city, seen of John
- #713: Lord, O Lord our God
- #718: Holy, holy, holy Lord (Iona)
- #725: Oh, freedom, freedom is coming
- #733: O God of love, true Source of peace
- #735: Dona nobis pacem
- #737: Dona nobis pacem
- #738: God the omnipotent
- #742: Lead on, O King eternal
- #744: Will your anchor hold
- #745: Jesus, Lamb of God (Bateman)
- #746: What a friend we have in Jesus
- #747: There is a balm in Gilead
- #749: Be still, my soul
- #755: Go ye, go ye into the world
- #760: Where cross the crowded ways of life
- #765: We've a story to tell to the nations
- #766: Amen (Johnson)
- #767: Lord, speak to me
- #770: Amen (Merrick 1)
- #771: Amen (Merrick 2)
- #772: Christ for the world we sing
- #773: Jesus bids us shine
- #779: Amen (Dresden)
- #780: Amen (Danish)
- #781: Amen (Smith)
- #784: Thy kingdom come--on bended knee
- #790: Where is death's sting
- #793: Amen (Robinson)
- #794: Abide with me
- #795: Christ is coming
- #797: Shall we gather at the river
- #800: O Canada
- #801: From ocean unto ocean
- #803: Come, ye thankful people, come
- #804: For all your goodness, God
- #806: To bless the earth
- #807: We plough the fields and scatter
- #809: All beautiful the march of days
- #811: Standing at the portal
- #812: Glory to God
- #815: New every morning is the love
- #816: Now that the daylight fills
- #817: O splendour of God's glory bright
- #818: O Jesus, Lord of heavenly grace
- #819: Awake, arise, Oh sing a new song
- #820: Holy God, holy and mighty
- #821: Sun of my soul, my Saviour dear
- #822: All praise to thee, my God, this night
- #824: At evening, when the sun had set
- #825: Saviour, again to your dear name
- #826: The day you gave us, Lord, has ended
- #827: Holy, holy Lord (Strathdee)
- #829: Holy, holy, holy Lord (Pruner)
- #830: Praise God from whom all blessings flow
- #831: Our Father who art in heaven
- #832: The Lord bless you / Aaronic Blessing
325 of 368 hymns are available for reading, and another 0 in *draft form. If you'd like to help add more 's to this page, please e-mail me.
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